I see Jones as an essential piece in the history of American music. Yet he’s absent from the music classroom, as are so many Black artists throughout history. This absence is leading more music educators to recognize what my research also finds: American music education remains deeply rooted in an ideology that has dominated U.S. history – white supremacy.
READ MOREThe commutations apply to individuals who were placed on home confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic under the CARES Act.
READ MOREThe decrease in numbers of Black teachers in the district continues despite research that demonstrates Black teachers’ positive impact on Black students’ experiences in school and academic outcomes, as well as their positive impact on all students.
READ MOREThe Rev. Jennifer Leath feels an urgency to change current church policy, while also feeling pressured to honor African Methodist Episcopal Church history and the members who disagree with her.
READ MOREBiden has appointed 62 Black judges, cementing his presidency as one focused on promoting equity and representation on the federal bench.
READ MOREConversations at dinner tables, office water coolers, social gatherings and on social media have pivoted to the topic. Many say they hope the new amplified voices can bring about change for companies often accused of valuing profits over people.
READ MOREThe designation will be given to qualifying colleges that vow to take a more aggressive approach to address systemic obstacles that have kept Black students at the lowest college-going and graduation rates.
READ MOREPresident Joe Biden has signed off on six monuments and either restored or enlarged boundaries for a handful of others during his term. Native American tribes and conservation groups are asking for more before he leaves office. The proposals stretch from land bordering the Colorado River in the West to a historic Black neighborhood in Oklahoma and the ancestral home in Maine of the nation's first female cabinet member
READ MOREEdwards says that his program can help men become motivated to be more engaged in the birthing process and create healthier families and communities as a whole.
READ MOREDuring a news conference minutes earlier, an assistant U.S. attorney warned that the Justice Department could sue to force reforms at the police department if the city doesn't cooperate.