02-06-2025  9:54 pm   •   PDX and SEA Weather

In "American Violet," a riveting drama based on a real-life case of racial profiling and malicious prosecution in a tiny Texas town, she plays a single-mother of four falsely accused of dealing drugs. Here, the emerging ingénue reflects upon her work in the movie which co-stars Alfre Woodard and Charles S. Dutton.
KW: What interested you in this role?
NB: This particular script moved me. . . .


Here, Morris Chestnut talks about both producing and performing in "Not Easily Broken," a romance drama based on a novel by Bishop T.D. Jakes. The modern morality play, which co-stars Oscar-nominee Taraji Henson, is just being released on DVD after opening in theaters back in January. . . .


Moreese Bickham

Louisiana native Moreese Bickham, 91, the oldest survivor of Death Row, whose 1958 death sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1972, will be in Portland on Jan. 19 and 20. He is appearing at the MLK Celebrations at Highland Christian Church and at The First Unitarian Church.
He will be accompanied by Joan Cheever, author of "Back From the Dead: One Woman's Search for the Men Who Walked Off America's Death Row" ...


ATLANTA (NNPA) Civil rights activist Rev. C.T. Vivian and actor/ humanitarian Harry Belafonte discussed their contributions to the Civil Rights Movement as well as political and global concerns during a recent candid conversation sponsored by the C.T. Vivian Institute.
"We knew that racism was the most inhumane factor of this society," said Vivian, when speaking about the beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement. "We were always thinking of a way to end it."
Moderated by the Atlanta Chair of the National Hip-Hop Political Convention Steven F. Waddy, the conversation was held at the Atlanta Life Financial Building last month, and was recorded for Podcast. . . .


ATLANTA (AP) — The Rev. Jesse Jackson recalled that on the Rev. Martin Luther King…


Northeast Alberta Street owes its unique style to Roslyn Hill. The Portland-born interior designer turned artist, architect and developer, owns several buildings on the street and has designed others. One of the first to see the street's potential, Hill helped transform a down at the heel residential neighborhood into one of Portland's thriving arts and cultural districts     


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